Over the weekend a car plunged through the ice of Cascade Lake, the reservoir up near Spray Lakes and William Watson Lodge, in Kananaskis - a place I've been many times and am very familiar with so can envisage easily both winter and summer. It is beautiful in the way mountain lakes are always lovely - however, the fact that a car carrying four adults went through the ice on the lake and only one of them was able to be rescued - ah, thaand t is giving me nightmares. Even when I'm awake.
One of my worst fears is dying under ice, trapped between ice and water with a little bit of air - just enough so I would be alive for a few minutes so that I would know I was trapped and dying. Pretty much how I imagine it was for the three people who didn't make it out of their car.
It seems that there were many brave bystanders who went into the sub-zero water and tried to save these poor souls. They did manage to free two of them and worked on them, giving them CPR for however long it took the Emergency vehicles to get there. They couldn't get one person out and I cannot imagine how horrible that must have been. I only hope that poor bugger was unconscious ...
Terr and I saw the aftermath of a really bad accident ourselves while we driving home from Quesnel - there were fire-trucks and police cars and two vehicles off to the side. One no longer recognizable as a car, the other smashed pretty badly as well and a semi with the front pretty badly damaged. We haven't seen any news about this accident yet but there was no paper today given that it was New Year's ...
Speaking of which - the whole family, except for Grandma - met at the Jay's for Chinese tonight - our tradition - it was the right, normal thing to do - felt like getting back to some semblance of normalcy, I guess.
Of course, any time with Jack, is bonus time!
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